Quill And Ink Names By
The main purpose of this page is to give people an idea of what's available in Quill Signatures. The majority of these animations were made for people on Webtv, hence the screen names. Please don't link to the images directly since this could cause problems with my provider. If you need information on how to get an unusual name animated try posting a request at alt.binaries.pictures.animated.gifs and someone will jump right in to help you out.
BabyTim Bailey Barb Barbara Beth Bevski
BJ Bonnie BubblyB
Carol Charissa ChristineChuck Cindy
Dan Debbie DennisDiana Diana1 Diane
Diwil Donice  Donna
Dottie Dottie1 Dottie2
Flashy Frecs
Ghost Ghost1 Gina
Gina Glen
Hugs Diwil Holly HelenHelen
Jadee Jadee JanJanis  Jazzy Angel Jean
Joanne John Joyeux Noel
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